Research Papers
Lincolnshire - Festival of Friends - School Case Study Booklet
Understanding and Improving Non UK Service and Transition in the British Armed Forces
People from the Commonwealth, Ireland and Nepal who serve in the British Armed Forces face specific challenges, according to a report published by Anglia Ruskin University and funded by the Forces in Mind Trust. The research highlighted that non-UK personnel face a number of unique challenges whilst serving, including with their immigration status, career progression, and issues with culture and belonging. The new report emphasises the significant issues non-UK personnel face with their immigration status, resulting in challenges both during and after service.
UK Veterans Family Study
Families of ex-Service personnel need to be consistently identified, recognised, and supported, according to research published by Queen’s University Belfast and King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) at King’s College London, funded by Forces in Mind Trust.
Partners and children of ex-Service personnel may be impacted by the nature of Service life, including as a result of frequent moves and due to family separation. However this is not always as well recognised as the impact on the serving person or veteran by policy makers or those delivering services to the Armed Forces community
Under the Radar - Service Children and Higher Education in England
'This report marks a new chapter in the state of Service children’s access and participation in higher education in England. Alongside a step-change in regulation, it provides an invaluable synthesis of the rationale and priorities for action, while new analysis underpins proposals key to unlocking practice that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and young people from Armed Forces families.'
Philip Dent - Director - SCiP Alliance and SCISS NEAC Member
Stepping Stone Home - A service evaluation
Stepping Stone Home – the female-only home for servicewomen, the spouses of serving or former UK military personnel, and their children – run by SSAFA, has operated since 1997. The home provides a refuge for women and children affected by damaged relationships. Anglia Ruskin University has provided a review and evaluation of the service for SSAFA.
Dropping in and out - Naval Families Federation and Anglia Ruskin University
The Naval Families Federation commissioned research carried out by the Anglia Ruskin University into how children communicate with their parents when separated, either through deployment or circumstances, to help inform how they can collaborate and work in partnership to support them through these periods of separation.
University Students from Military Families: the same, but different - Brunel University - London
This research investigated the experiences of university undergraduate students from military families at Brunel University London with a specific focus on the following areas:
The educational experiences the students had before coming to university and the perceived impact that this had;
The experiences they have had whilst at university, links to their previous educational experiences, any issues that have arisen, and the types of support they have drawn on;
The impact of the students’ backgrounds and circumstances, and what pastoral awareness and support may be required.
The Impact of Military Life on the Service Child (The Overlooked Casualties of Conflict) - Update and Review Report - 2021
The Naval Children’s Charity commissioned the Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research at Anglia Ruskin University to research the challenges faced by military families in the UK.
In 2009 the then ‘Royal Navy and Royal Marines Children’s Fund’ commissioned some ground-breaking research into the effects of Service life on children. The landscape 11 years ago was of course different, particularly given that it was the height of operations in Afghanistan. So, it was entirely appropriate that the Naval Children’s Charity commissioned some new research in early 2020 looking at what has changed over the intervening 11-year period.
Celebrating Military Families - Children's Commissioner
This report forms part of the Children’s Commissioner’s Independent Family Review. The Children’s Commissioner was asked by Government to undertake an independent review into support for families. In September 2022 the Commissioner published ‘Family and its Protective Effect: Part 1 of the Independent Family Review’ (Family Review: Part 1). Part 2 of the Review considers how public services need to adapt to better support families, and to work with them to strengthen the protective effect families exert over their members. The Children’s Commissioner is considering military families alongside other groups of families whose circumstances mean they have particular needs from public services.
Fighting on...
A specially commissioned report looking at the results of a survey of FANDF families of children with SEND needs.