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Service Children in State Schools

The Voice of Schools - Supporting Service Children in England


Voice of Schools SEND Project

Following on from the really successful Voice of Schools Project in 2021, we had identified that there were some inconsistencies with SEND provision as children with SEND moved from one school to another. A range of school leaders,  pastoral staff and SENDCos shared their views with us on how they viewed current provision and where they felt it could be improved to support Service children across England.

The results of the survey revealed interesting trends for us as an organisation and, thanks to Tiller Research, we are able to present both the full report and an executive summary at the links further down the page.

As a result of the information shared by schools the SCISS NEAC have been able to: 

  1. Use the feedback to communicate with policy makers with a view to change policy and improve outcomes for Service Children with SEND

  2. Share with a wide range of stakeholders the work carried out by schools across England

  3. Continue to advocate for schools and Service children and strengthen the relationship schools have with the MOD and their Service Communities


We know that supporting Service children is ever-changing and at times challenging. The SCISS NEAC remain strongly committed to ensure that this group of children receive the best that our schools can provide. 


Thank you SCISS schools, for all that you do in supporting these children.
