Useful Contacts
Defence Children Services (DCS -
The DCS Vision is " Educate the Child – Support the Family – Defend the Nation". Defence Children Services has responsibility for the functions, in support of service families related to education and care, previously undertaken by Defence Children and Young People (DCYP).
DCS provides a single focus for all issues related to Service children and young people, providing high-quality education at 22 schools and settings in locations around the world. DCS also directly supports Service families, providing advice on a wide range of educational matters both overseas and in the UK, delivered by specialist education and advisory teams.
The Education Advisory Team (EAT UK) (contactable at
The Education Advisory Team is part of DCS. It provides professional information, advice and guidance regarding the education of Service Children in the UK.
EAT also provides advice and guidance for service personnel and eligible MOD civilians regarding education and education-related issues, such as retention of Service Family Accommodation, the Continuity of Education Allowance & the Special Educational Needs Addition, Special Educational Needs and School Admissions.
The Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST) (
The Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST) provides professional information, advice and guidance for service personal and eligible MOD civilians regarding the education of their children in overseas locations. OEST also provides educational advice and support for overseas commands and DCS schools and settings.
This team coordinates the educational supportability assessment process for overseas postings, in respect of children with Special Educational Needs and those for whom parents have selected Elective Home Education.
MOD Safeguarding Partnership Board
The SPB is the lead strategic pan-defence partnership that is responsible for ensuring consistent and rigorous approaches to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people across defence. The Partnership Board is responsible for reviewing progress and assessing strengths and areas for development in the safeguarding system. The SPB works within the principles of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
Global Safeguarding Team (Contactable at
The GST provide specialist advice, support and direction in respect of all matters relating to safeguarding children and young people.
MOD Local Authority Partnership
The Ministry of Defence Local Authority Partnership (MODLAP) is a partnership between the MOD and 16 English local authorities that have committed to work together to improve the experience and outcomes of children of UK Armed Forces families. The local authority membership of MODLAP represent those authority areas with the highest numbers of service children in England.
The Armed Forces Covenant (
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, including the bereaved, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.
Its two principles are that, recognising the unique obligations of, and sacrifices made by, the Armed Forces:
- Those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services.
- Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved.
Army Families Federation (AFF) (
01264 382324
Naval Families Federation (NFF)
02392 654374
RAF Families Federation
Soldier, Sailors and Airman's Families Federation
020 7403 8783
The SSAFA Additional Needs & Disability Advisor and can provide advice and support for all Forces Families with Additional Needs & Disabilities, contactable via email
Forces Additional Needs & Disability Forum (FANDF)
The Forces Additional Needs and Disability Forum (FANDF) is a tri-Service group for Serving personnel, reservists and their families who have a child or adult immediate family member with an additional need and/or disability. The FANDF is a unique group as it is run by a committee of members whose vision is the ensure that all ‘Forces families with additional needs and disabilities receive the support they need’.
To make contact with a local military base
Army Welfare Service HQ
Royal Navy and Royal Marines –information for local contacts can be accessed from the RN FPS Headquarters Team via -