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Service Children in State Schools

The Voice of Schools - Supporting Service Children in England


What is SCISS?

Service Children In State Schools (SCISS) is a voluntary affiliated network of state-maintained schools in England that have any number of Service children on roll. 


SCISS is led by a National Executive Advisory Committee (NEAC) comprising of headteachers; Local Authority officers/advisers; representatives from the three Armed Forces Families Federations and representatives from the Service Children Progression Alliance (SCiP), the DfE and the MOD’s Global Education Team.

Service child definition

A person whose parent, or carer, serves in the regular armed forces, or as a reservist, or has done at any point during the first 25 years of that person’s life.

How are schools identified with having Service Children?

Since the introduction of the Service Pupils’ Premium (SPP) in England, the DfE shares the identity of those schools that draw down the SPP with the Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS), MOD’s Global Education Team. This allows the SCISS NEAC to provide initial support in the key areas across England where numbers of Service children are high.


We hope that this website enables schools to make positive changes and influence policy for Service children in education across England.  If you or your school have additional examples of practice, or resources that you think should be on this website, please use the “Contact SCISS” link to make contact with us.


An overview of SCISS, the achievements of the SCISS NEAC and some pupil voice about being a Service child can be found in our video below - just click on the image.

Service Children in State Schools video
