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Service Children in State Schools

The Voice of Schools - Supporting Service Children in England


The SCISS National Executive Advisory Committee

Who are the SCISS National Executive Advisory Committee?

The SCISS National Executive Advisory Committee (NEAC) is formed of volunteers who are Headteachers; Local Authority officers, representatives from the Forces Families Federations, the Service Children Progression Alliance (SCiP), the DfE and the MOD’s Armed Forces Families and Safeguarding Team.


What is our Core Purpose?

Our core purpose is simple -

  • To be the 'Voice of Schools' sharing the experiences of schools with those who develop national policy, including the DFE and other Government bodies. 


  • Supporting schools in the education and welfare of Service children alongside key partners and using the expertise within the SCISS Network of Schools.


What are the SCISS NEAC's achievements to date?

These include:

  • The introduction of the Service child ‘marker’ on the annual school census, providing a clear picture of the number and location of pupils of Armed Forces personnel.

  • The SEND and Admissions Code amended to specifically include the education of Service children.

  • Working with the Government to introduce discrete funding for schools in England to help them provide for Service children in the form of the Service Pupil Premium.

  • Contributing to the "Living in their Shoes - understanding the needs of UK Armed Forces families" - Government report

  • Working with the DFE to develop Service Pupil Premium entitlement (ie to ensure the children of service personnel who die in service receive extended funding beyond the "ever 6 measure", to enable a "double count" of SSP and FSM entitlement on the school census where appropriate) 

  • Working with UCAS to record service pupil status on applications

  • Commissioning research into the challenges and successes experienced by service children in state schools in England the "Voice of Schools" 

  • Commissioning research into the challenges and successes experienced by state schools in England supporting Service children with SEND.

Who is part of the SCISS NEAC?

The current National Executive Advisory Committee members are:

Steph Fawdry - Chair: Headteacher, RAF Benson Primary School, Oxfordshire  

Angela Maxted - Vice Chair: Shorncliffe Nursery, Folkestone, Kent Ret'd Headteacher of a large primary school

Phil Bannister - Department for Education, Pupil Premium Division

Matt Blyton - Independent Education Advisor with Service Children experience

Claire Copeland - Executive Headteacher, The Trafalgar School, Portsmouth

Russell Collier - MOD - Asst Head of Education, Education Policy Team (Armed Forces Families & Safeguarding Defence People Team)

Philip Dent - Service Children’s Progression Alliance, Director (University of Winchester)

Ruth Halbaurer - Deputy Headteacher, Crofton Hammond Infant School, Fareham, Hampshire

Anna Hutchinson- Education & Childcare Specialist, Army Families Federation (AFF)

Charlotte Jones - Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Naval Families Federation (NFF)

Meg Lucas - Headteacher, Cottesmore Academy, Kendrew Barracks, Rutland

Sue Mason - Headteacher, Brompton Westbrook Academy, Medway 

Ian Mottram - Headteacher, Le Cateau Primary School & Nursery, Catterick Garrison, Nth Yorkshire

Alexandra Stokes - Policy Advisor, Education and Childcare, Royal Air Force Families Federation (RAFFF)

Ben Turner - Headteacher, Akrotiri Primary School, RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus
